Friday, April 25, 2014

Healthy Girl pt1

Just like almost everybody in America, I made a New Year's resolution to eat "right" and get "bikini ready".
Just like almost everybody in America, I quickly lost my motivation.
Lucky for me, I have a husband who is super supportive of my crazy antics and wild ideas. So when I come up with something that isn't so far fetched, such as getting fit and healthy, he's even more in my corner. 
(It's not that I need to shed a lot of pounds nor does my husband want to see me bench press 6x my weight, we are just about living a healthier lifestyle.) 

To start things off we decided to change our diet and to exercise regularly.
  • Cutting out the fast food was one of the first things we did. "Ok, this isn't so bad. I kinda like homemade cheeseburgers better anyway!"
  • Next was ditching the sodas. "WHOA NELLY!!!!!! I did NOT sign up for this!!!!!" At the time, giving up my sodas felt harder for me, than signing the dotted lines to join the Army. 
  • About the same time as I gave up my bubbly beverages, we began taking morning walks everyday. 1 mile then 2. (As of now we are striding at about 3 miles an hour!)

Once April came around our diet plan got even harder. 
  • Low carbs and high protein. Nope no Olive Garden for this girl. (sad face) 
  • No sugar, yup you read that right NO SUGAR!!!!! **I was not a happy girl on my birthday when I wasn't able to eat my beloved cupcakes.
  • LOTS OF WATER!!!!!  ...and I mean LOTS OF WATER!!!!! I keep a water bottle next to me all day long, no matter were I go. Although my hubby has to remind me to drink, I still have easy access to it.
(Keep an eye out for "Healthy Girl pt2" for my "Low Carb Favs" list where I will feature some of my favorite recipes, water, and foods.)
  • Mo veggies Mo veggies Mo veggies!! Fruit, not so much, they are higher in carbs than I would of ever thought. 

Now that our diet is (for the most part) in order, we have added weight lifting to our routine. Despite sore muscles this has to be my favorite part of being a fit and healthy girl!

Throughout the last two months I have craved food, soda and candy, lost motivation at times and have almost given up. 

On the other hand, I have been less tired, I have more time to talk to my husband during our walks (kinda like a mini date!), seen numbers go down on the scale (muscle weighs more than fat so those numbers might climb again) and more important than the numbers, I've seen changes in my body! 

I am excited about my "Healthy Girl" journey and I hope you will join and follow along every step of the way!

Best of Luck to you on your journey!

What are you doing to be more healthy? Please feel free to share, I can't wait to hear from you!!!

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