Thursday, April 10, 2014

Confessions of an Army Wife

Kay, so I know it's been a while since I last posted, but my family and I have been unpacking boxes and reassembling furniture like crazy since late last month.
 ~Oh the joys of PCSing!!!!! (Relocating, in Army terms.)

Anyway, PCSing my not be what I call "fun" (that is unless you're moving to a different country)
 ...but I digress!

... and neither are staff duty days (24 hr shifts) or the dreaded, DEPLOYMENT.

But no worries here!!! (<-- wow, I really started my sentence off with "But"?!?!) There's always a brighter side.

  • PCSing gives you the chance to meet new people, live where you never would of gone otherwise and sometimes give you the chance of experiencing a new culture. 

  • 24 hr duty gives you a chance to blog (wink wink) or hang out on Pinterest, be in control of the remote and even sprawl out on the bed and hog the blanket to yourself.

  • Deployments stink, plain and simple. (Two days after my husband left for deployment, I had our son) I didn't think I could make it through it, but I did! I learned so much about myself and got to hang out with my baby boy for, two weeks shy of, a year. Not to mention I redecorated, and hogged the bed to myself! LOL 

       Eventually my "brighter side" rolled around,  prepping
 for my best friends return!!!

There is NOTHING like military life (I know from both sides), but everything is what you make of it! 

Have a beautiful day!

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