Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Leaving on a jet plane

The school year is coming to an end and the weather is getting warmer. For many families this means
...vacation time!!!!!
Whether you're road tripping or hopping on a flight, keeping your little ones entertained and calm during the trip is just as important as packing sunblock and clean undies! 

Here are some things I did on our flight to Korea that made the multiple flights a little more bearable. 

Before you go, I highly suggest you know what the weather will be at your destination. When we arrived in Korea it was snowy and as cold as ...snowballs. Before we left the states I purchased a snowsuit for both of our little ones. (Pretty obvious, right?) Well, when you're crazy busy making sure bags are packed with everything you need, plus trying to keep your sanity, simple things like this get over looked. 
Not only did I buy the snowsuits, I also invested in a somewhat cheap double umbrella stroller. It wasn't the prettiest or most high tech, but it was lightweight, easy to fold and got us from point A to point B. 

 Imagine, if you will, being on multiple planes for 20(+) hours, with a 4 month old, a 2 year old, and a 4 year old. Yeah I must be CrAzY, right? 
Well, I am!
But the real question is, how do I keep an infant, toddler and a preschooler that love to always be on the move or doing something, anything, calm for the whole trip? Well, me being the wiz kid I am and by the grace of God, I found a way. 
I can't explain the wonders of God, but I can tell you what I did. 

I made sure our carry on bags were ready for it all. I had a total of three carry-ons. Mikey's (4 years old at the time), Izzy (2 years old at the time) and my own (age not included), which had more stuff for them in it than for myself. 

In the kid's carry on, I packed: 
  • 1 Magna Doodle per chid
  • 1 coloring book, per child ~Mickey & Minnie (familiar faces are nice when things are chaotic)  
  • 1 dry erase activity book (Crayola)
  • 2 packs of dry erase crayons (Crayola as well, in Primary and Bright colors) *I put the crayons in a travel baby wipe container, so I didn't have to deal with the boxes or trying to find a place to put them. 
  • Stickers and a book for them to put them in
  • Sparkly pipe cleaners (to keep those little hands busy)
  • Headphones for both kids, way better than using the ones supplies by the airline
  • Travel pillows
  • Snacks
The snack bag consisted of:
  • Graham crackers (or as my kids call them, "Sweet Crackers")
  •  Packs of apple sauce and bananas (such as these)
  • Chedder & cheese crackers
  • Gum 
  • Suckers
It doesn't sound like much, but it made a world of difference!

In my bag, I had:
  • Travel sized Clorox wipes
  • Individually wrapped hand sanitizer wipes
  • Baby wipes
  • Diaper bags- to put dirty diapers, trash or soiled clothes in
  • LOTS and LOTS of diapers for both kids. (Mikey was already potty trained but for the trip and only the trip, he wore pull ups. That way we didn't have to deal with the stress of accidents.)
  • Tray liners- like these. (I cleaned the trays off first, then put these bad boys on. They stuck on perfectly and helped keep messes to a minimum. Parents and flight attendants were very impressed by it. *Proud Mommy moment for me!!!* Yay!)
  • A book for me
  • Nintendo DS with a Sudoku game 
  • A journal
  • Ear buds
  • Colgate Wisp (after those in flight meals)
  • A change of clothes for the kids and I (footie pj's for the kids + extra pants and shirt for all of us)
  • Cash
  • Our family binder, with passports and whatever other important papers we needed
As for the 4 month old (my nephew), his mommy took care of his bag. I don't know much about what she packed but I do know you need: 
  • Lots of diapers and baby wipes 
  • Bottles with water (buy extra bottled water once you get past security.)
  • Formula 
*I am a huge advocate of breastfeeding and I strongly suggest doing it if you can (for so many reasons, to include ease on a flight), but if your baby takes formula, look into buying the individually wrapped packets. You'll be glad you did. 

OK, so in hind sight, I may have over packed, but I was and still am happy with everything I had and how smooth things went. 
I hope this post will help you or someone you know on your future travels. 

Do you have something special you use to entertain your little ones on trips?
Feel free to comment below or ask questions. 

Bon Voage!!

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