Monday, April 28, 2014

April is the month of...

Call me crazy, but I can make a "favorites" list for just about anything.

Cupcake- Oreo Truffle
Colors- Tiffany Blue & Pink
Animal- Donkey
Sports team- St Louis Cardinals
Month- April
...and so on...

Even crazier than making a list of favorites is picking my favorite of favorites. (Stick with me, there's a method to my madness!) of my favorites, my top pick is:
The Month of April
*baseball season
*my birthday
*spring time 
and most important

So don't mind me, I am going to share some of my favorite photos of some of my favorite Army babies!

Military kids are, simple put, amazing. They deal with situations most people try to avoid.

-leaving behind family and friends to move to different cities, states or even countries.
-watching a parent on go away for deployments, months at a time.
-switching schools in the middle of a school year and being the dreaded "new kid" yet again.
-being disciplined "military style" (yes ALL of our kids know how to do push ups!!)

So raise your root beer mugs and yell out a big "HOOAH" for the amazingly awesome military child!

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