Sunday, March 23, 2014

Happy Spring!

Ok ok, so I know I'm a couple of days late, but
 Happy 1st day of  Spring.

To take advantage of the nice weather and to get the kids out of the house, I whipped up a quick batch of chalk paint and let my kiddos out on the back patio.
Fresh air + Warm sun + Paint + Happy kiddos =
So, because you rock, I decided to share the recipe for your very own batch of 
DIY Chalk Paint

  • 1 cup corn starch
  • 1 cup water
  • liquid food coloring 
  • spoon
  • medium bowl
  • muffin pan
  • paint brushes 
Mix your water and corn starch together in your medium bowl. (Your mixture shouldn't be lumpy, if it is, simply smoosh them with the back of your mixing spoon)
Evenly divide you mixture into equal portions (I just eye balled it, nothin' fancy here) in your muffin pan. 
In each cup add your colors. 
(I added about 5 of each color. You can add more or less depending on how vivid or light you want your colors to be.) 

Next, let your little ones out with a few paint brushes and HAVE FUN!!!

What awesome things do you to get out and beat cabin fever?!

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