Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Caught Ya!!!

Doing simple everyday task, such as running to the store, post office or library can be a chore when you have little ones.
(...speaking from experience!!!!)

So to ease the stress and add a little incentive for good behavior I made a "Caught you being good" chart.

(Click here for your own wallet size charts!!!)

**How we use it**
After running errands we come home and put a sticker on the appropriate spot (if they behaved) and talk about our day. This is a perfect time for us to talk about things we did well or things that were done ...not so well.
Once we finally make it to 20 we can celebrate with a special toy, lunch at our favorite burger place, or whatever they decide on. (Within reason, of course.)

Do you have any awesome methods do you use to praise good behavior and to keep tantrums at bay while you are out?
I would love to hear them!!!

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