Sunday, March 23, 2014

Happy Spring!

Ok ok, so I know I'm a couple of days late, but
 Happy 1st day of  Spring.

To take advantage of the nice weather and to get the kids out of the house, I whipped up a quick batch of chalk paint and let my kiddos out on the back patio.
Fresh air + Warm sun + Paint + Happy kiddos =
So, because you rock, I decided to share the recipe for your very own batch of 
DIY Chalk Paint

  • 1 cup corn starch
  • 1 cup water
  • liquid food coloring 
  • spoon
  • medium bowl
  • muffin pan
  • paint brushes 
Mix your water and corn starch together in your medium bowl. (Your mixture shouldn't be lumpy, if it is, simply smoosh them with the back of your mixing spoon)
Evenly divide you mixture into equal portions (I just eye balled it, nothin' fancy here) in your muffin pan. 
In each cup add your colors. 
(I added about 5 of each color. You can add more or less depending on how vivid or light you want your colors to be.) 

Next, let your little ones out with a few paint brushes and HAVE FUN!!!

What awesome things do you to get out and beat cabin fever?!

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Caught Ya!!!

Doing simple everyday task, such as running to the store, post office or library can be a chore when you have little ones.
(...speaking from experience!!!!)

So to ease the stress and add a little incentive for good behavior I made a "Caught you being good" chart.

(Click here for your own wallet size charts!!!)

**How we use it**
After running errands we come home and put a sticker on the appropriate spot (if they behaved) and talk about our day. This is a perfect time for us to talk about things we did well or things that were done ...not so well.
Once we finally make it to 20 we can celebrate with a special toy, lunch at our favorite burger place, or whatever they decide on. (Within reason, of course.)

Do you have any awesome methods do you use to praise good behavior and to keep tantrums at bay while you are out?
I would love to hear them!!!

Friday, March 7, 2014

Turkey Pot Pie Crepes

My husband and I came up with this recipe when we lived in Texas. It has traveled to Korea with us (as a perfect low carb meal) and is still going strong here in Kansas.

When I have a good thing, I just can't keep it to myself. With that being said, here is my Turkey Pot Pie Crepe recipe.
I hope your family loves it just as much as mine. 

3 eggs 
2/3 cup milk 
2 tablespoons unsalted butter or 2 tablespoons margarine, melted 
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/3 cup whole wheat flour

*I used skim milk, 2 Tbsp of salted butter and no salt*

Note: If you want to make regular crepes, not using whole wheat flour, use 3/4 cup milk, 2 tbs cold water, and substitute 3/4 cup white flour.

In a small bowl, beat the eggs, milk, melted butter, and salt until well combined-about 20 seconds.

Sift the flour into a medium size bowl or a 2 quart measuring cup, then add the liquid mixture, beating until well combined-about 1 minute.

Or blend the eggs, milk, butter, and salt in an electric blender or food processor for 15 seconds; sprinkle in the flour and blend until smooth-about 30 second

Brush butter on the bottom of a crepe pan or heavy 7-inch skillet.

Set over moderate heat for about 30 seconds or until a drop of batter sizzles.

Stir the batter well, pour 2 tablespoons into the skillet, and quickly tip it back and forth so that the batter evenly coats the bottom.
*I used a 1/3 cup*

Cook until the crepe edges are golden brown-about 1 minute.
Slide a spatula under the crepe, flip it over, and cook for about 30 seconds.

Transfer to a warm plate.

Repeat with the remaining batter, rebuttering the skillet when necessary.

~At this point the crepes can be cooled to room temperature, separated by sheets of wax paper, and stored.

Refrigerate, wrapped tightly with plastic wrap, for up to 24 hours.

Turkey Pot Pie filling:
1/2 cup carrots
1/2 cup celery
1/2 cup frozen corn
1/2 cup frozen green beans
1/2 cup frozen lima beans or green soy beans
1/2 cup frozen peas
1/2 cup diced onions
6oz diced chicken or turkey (We use Turkey Spam)
3 cups chicken broth
1 cup water w/ 1/2 all purpose flour (dissolved)
1 tsp ground thyme
3 Tbsp butter

Use butter to sauté onions, carrots and celery until the onions are clear.

Add broth, thyme, and the remaining vegetables and turkey, bring to boil, reduce to simmer until vegetables are tender.

Add water/flour mixture, stir until thickened.

Turn off heat and set aside.

Filling the crepes:
Use a 1/2 cup of pot pie mixture to fill your crepe. 
Roll crepe around mixture and a extra pot pie on top. 

Bon Appetite!!!
...that looks like this -->

Monday, March 3, 2014

Sparkle Sparkle (Glitter clothes pins)

Well here I go. Diving head first into my first post on this blog. Although I have another blog that I have been working on every now and then, I still have the first post jitters.
 So without any further adieu, welcome to
  Hello, My name is Mommy!!!!

What better way to start a blog than a step by step  *how to*, making the cutest glittery clothes pins, that has more uses than a roll of duct tape!!

If you're a Pinterest fanatic like I am, you've probably seen this idea floating around. If you aren't then let me say you're in for a pleasant surprise! 

4 simple steps is all it takes to make these. Stick with me and your clothes pins will never be the same again!!!

You'll need to gather four items before you get started.
  • Clothes pins
  • White school glue
  • Plenty of glitter
  •  (though not pictured above) clear fingernail polish 

Step 1: Cover you clothes pin in glue. 
Don't be afraid of getting messy and using your finger to spread it around. School glue washes right off!

Step 2: Cover that bad motor scooter in glitter!!!!! 
Tap the clothes pin lightly to get rid of any loose glitter. (As long as you do this step on paper, you can use it as a funnel to put any glitter that doesn't stick to the clothes pin back into the container.)

Step 3: Be Patient!
Allow them to dry. Once you can touch them without smearing it use your clear fingernail polish to seal the glitter. (To be safe I let mine dry overnight.) 

Step 4: Enjoy!
Take a look at what you just made! Beautiful, isn't it?!?!
 Now what you do with them is up to you. You can add a magnet to the back, to turn it into a perfect refrigerator accessory. Use them as a chic potato chip bag clip. You can even add a little pizzazz to your laundry when you put your clothes out to dry. 

Sky's the limit!! :)