Friday, June 6, 2014

Cashew Butter Cups

Got the munchies? 
Well, let's look in your pantry and see what cha got.

Cashew butter?     ...Check!

Chocolate melting candies?      ...Check!

Awesome!!! You're well on your way to making your very own Chocolate Peanut Butter, errrr, Cashew Butter cups!!

Wait, what's that? You ran out of cashew butter and melting candies? No worries! You can substitute the cashew butter for almond butter or the more popular peanut butter. The melting candies can be substituted with chocolate chips. :)

Now, let's get down to business! 

First you'll need a mini muffin pan lined with paper liners.

Fill each liner with your melted chocolate...

then allow to harden in the refrigerator. 

Mix your cashew butter, powdered sugar, unsalted butter and brown sugar in a small pot on medium heat, stirring until well blended. 

 Scoop your butter mix,, shape into patty form and place on a cookie sheet lined with parchment paper. 

Add your cashew patties to your liners on top of the hardened chocolate, top with more melted chocolate and refrigerate again.

Before you know it you have yourself your very own Cashew Butter cups!

Willy Wonka, eat your heart out!!!

...that looks like this -->

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