Monday, March 3, 2014

Sparkle Sparkle (Glitter clothes pins)

Well here I go. Diving head first into my first post on this blog. Although I have another blog that I have been working on every now and then, I still have the first post jitters.
 So without any further adieu, welcome to
  Hello, My name is Mommy!!!!

What better way to start a blog than a step by step  *how to*, making the cutest glittery clothes pins, that has more uses than a roll of duct tape!!

If you're a Pinterest fanatic like I am, you've probably seen this idea floating around. If you aren't then let me say you're in for a pleasant surprise! 

4 simple steps is all it takes to make these. Stick with me and your clothes pins will never be the same again!!!

You'll need to gather four items before you get started.
  • Clothes pins
  • White school glue
  • Plenty of glitter
  •  (though not pictured above) clear fingernail polish 

Step 1: Cover you clothes pin in glue. 
Don't be afraid of getting messy and using your finger to spread it around. School glue washes right off!

Step 2: Cover that bad motor scooter in glitter!!!!! 
Tap the clothes pin lightly to get rid of any loose glitter. (As long as you do this step on paper, you can use it as a funnel to put any glitter that doesn't stick to the clothes pin back into the container.)

Step 3: Be Patient!
Allow them to dry. Once you can touch them without smearing it use your clear fingernail polish to seal the glitter. (To be safe I let mine dry overnight.) 

Step 4: Enjoy!
Take a look at what you just made! Beautiful, isn't it?!?!
 Now what you do with them is up to you. You can add a magnet to the back, to turn it into a perfect refrigerator accessory. Use them as a chic potato chip bag clip. You can even add a little pizzazz to your laundry when you put your clothes out to dry. 

Sky's the limit!! :) 

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